(part 57) de Leon - Romancing the unflirty: we're getting somewhere!

Romancing the unflirty: we're getting somewhere!

Albert invited Asako for a date in a restaurant at Magnolia Promanade and she felt a pressing need to greet him with a hug. In the kitchen. Of the restaurant.

The cook may or may not have appreciated that...

...Let's try a little more normal approach at this and reserve a nice (coughPRIVATEcough) table for us, Albert thought as he put thought to action.

They got the only private and excessively large table of the restaurant. Not that they minded that, the out door view was nice.

They took their time to decide what to order.

Asako took care of the actual ordering, seeing as Albert was a little busy fiddling with his phone. She didn't mind it though.

The fancy juice and pie were nice and the conversation flowed nicely.


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