
Showing posts from February, 2018

(part 18) de Leon - Day before the wedding

Day before the wedding

(part 17) de Leon - Spending the day at cousin's

Spending the day at cousin's Albert de Leon and cousin Eero de Leon.

(part 16) de Leon - Albert's birthday

Albert's birthday

(part 15) de Leon - Giving birth a second time

Giving birth a second time Soon after Eufemia's birthday party, Tabitha needed to quickly get carted off to the hospital to give birth.

(part 14) de Leon - Working out and growing older

Working out and growing older Sotero's work out routine.

(part 13) de Leon - Of promotions and celebrations

Of promotions and celebrations "That's a good boy! Eat up."

(part 12) de Leon, Hot tub temptations

Hot tub temptations  'Think I'd better get back inside soon', thought Tabitha as the young couple passed by her. Berta and Sotero seemed to have grown rather fond of the back yard hot tub.

(part 11) de Leon, Life rolls on

Life rolls on "Aw, my cute little baby, come and give mommy a hug."

(part 10) de Leon - Relaxation and romance

Relaxation and romance Berta and Sotero relaxing together in the back yard hot tub.

(part 9) de Leon, Romance and family

Romance and family Eufemia and Tabitha had strong bond and flirted often and frequently...

(part 8) de Leon - Berta and Sotero

Tabitha Pizzazz Traits: Creative, Foodie, Romantic Aspiration: City Native

(part 7) de Leon, 4th generation: From teen to young adulthood

Eufemia de Leon Traits: Self-assured, Goofball, (Bro) Aspiration: Master Mixologist, but she went on to complete Leader of the Pact and Serial Romantic Main family head Age: teen to young adulthood Eufemia, as the main family head, had to start early on her responsibilities as the heir and head, as she was the oldest person alive in the main family. Luckily branch family head Bernhard de Leon was happy to guide her and the rest 4th generation children, all through Eufemia's teen age years, untill he died of old age. While she was busy with school, friends, family and trying to find a possible love interest (or several), Eufemia also learned to play piano and violin with his deceased Uncle Sigismund's help. Sigismund sometimes popped by as a ghost to help pass on the family skills to Eufemia and the rest of the 4th generation, as arts in general had never been Bernhard's talent.

(part 6) de Leon - 4th generation: Growing up

4th generation: Growing up Bernhard de Leon Traits: Lazy, Creative, Gloomy Aspiration: Computer Wiz Branch family head 3. generation, branch family heir. Born out of wedlock, didn't really get along with the father who fathered him and his son. Though got along splendidly with the main family and the rest of the de Leon extended side. Followed in his birthing father's (Aaron de Leon) footsteps, and had a child out of wedlock. Bernhard was rather impassioned about computers, and build a successful career on his interest. Though he still found time to spend with the rest of the de Leon family, and was rather fond of the little ones. After the death of Ladislaus and Sigismund, Bernhard helped the main family children grow, providing a stable household and taught  them what they'd need to know in the future when they'd enter adulthood and made sure they got to be children too. He was happy to have seen his daughter Berta grow to teen, before peacefully dying ...

(part 5) de Leon - 3rd generation: Odd happenings and a dash of love

Ladislaus de Leon Traits: Gloomy, Dance Machine, Bro Aspiration: Master Mixologist Main family heir 3rd generation: First born of the twins. Ladislaus was quite laid back, but a loving son, brother, father and uncle. Ladislaus wasn't particularly interested in romance, but as the First born it was his duty to create an heir, so he bore the duty by himself (with the loving support of the rest of the family) and gave birth to a beautiful little girl. All the while fulfilling his dream of becoming a Master Mixologist. Taking a selfie with mother. "Hey, I made a friend" -picture post.

(part 4) de Leon - 2nd and 3rd generation

Aaron de Leon Traits: Loves Outdoors, Good, Neat Aspiration: Bestselling Author Branch family founder Aaron got along so well with his older sister he decided to stay with her and her family. As teen Aaron became sure he was homosexual. Later Aaron gave birth to a child out of wedlock. As on elder Aaron completed his lifelong dream of becoming a best selling author.

(part 3) de Leon - 2nd generation: Finding love

Oona de Leon Career: Musician

(part 2) de Leon - 2nd generation: Oona de Leon

Oona de Leon Traits: Art Lover, Gloomy, Slob Aspiration: Big Happy Family First child of Karlo de Leon and Aapo Nieminen.

(part 1) de Leon start - Karlo de Leon

Karlo de Leon "Pronterus" Traits: Geek, Neat, Hot-headed Aspiration: Nerd Brain Founder of the de Leon family, was created by pronterus (origin ID) and incidentally was his simself, which I only realize much later. :D

de Leon - rules and laws

de Leon "Pronterus" Succession laws : First born (oldest living sibling will become heir in case of early death), Gender Equality, Traditional Bloodline,Tentatively Species Tolerant Additional rules: in every generation there must be one married pair living in the house, can be from any branch of the family, as long as one of them was born in the household  in every generation there must be one person (preferably from the main family line, though in a pinch branch family will do) who has mastered piano and violin (asking help from deceased members of the family is perfectly acceptable) spouses' aspirations can be ignored, as well as aspirations of all the family members who choose to move out of the household, main focus is on the direct family the house: furnish and remodel the house to reflect the people living there at least every few generations or so, changes can be small if that is enough to make a difference moving is allowed, and encouraged traits a...