de Leon - rules and laws

de Leon "Pronterus"

Succession laws: First born (oldest living sibling will become heir in case of early death), Gender Equality, Traditional Bloodline,Tentatively Species Tolerant
Additional rules:
  1. in every generation there must be one married pair living in the house, can be from any branch of the family, as long as one of them was born in the household 
  2. in every generation there must be one person (preferably from the main family line, though in a pinch branch family will do) who has mastered piano and violin (asking help from deceased members of the family is perfectly acceptable)
  3. spouses' aspirations can be ignored, as well as aspirations of all the family members who choose to move out of the household, main focus is on the direct family
  4. the house: furnish and remodel the house to reflect the people living there at least every few generations or so, changes can be small if that is enough to make a difference
  5. moving is allowed, and encouraged
  6. traits and aspirations must be randomized with pinstar's trait generator that considers the parents traits when randomly generating the child's traits (note: in case of conflict, pick the nearest equivalent) and toddler trait generator 

Please note: this generation play does not follow any actual legacy rules. Though it was originally started as "I am surrounded by idiots" -legacy, I quickly got bored with that play style and just went with prioritizing the main heir.

Additional note: de Leon family (from start to latest upload, Origin ID: sigildagger) can be found in the Sims 4 Gallery, The founder was made by pronterus (for additional information, see part 1 of the de Leon legacy) as I wanted to start with sim someone else had made, simply because of variety.

And on that note a little bit of a disclaimer: please know that while the starter of this legacy is the maker's simself, this was a coincidence (though how I managed to miss that and the nationality is a good question, but let's not get stuck on it and just go with me having had a spaz moment) and nothing in this story in any way reflects pronterus' opinions or life choices and is purely fictional.


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